Specialized Element Value Representation (pydicom.valuerep)

Representation of the value for data elements with VR of PN, DS, IS, DA, DT or TM and utilities.

DA(*args, **kwargs)

Store value for an element with VR DA as datetime.date.


Check whether this string is a valid decimal string.


Truncate a float's representation to give a valid Decimal String (DS).

DS(val[, auto_format, validation_mode])

Factory function for creating DS class instances.

DSdecimal(val[, auto_format, validation_mode])

Store value for an element with VR DS as decimal.Decimal.

DSfloat(val[, auto_format, validation_mode])

Store value for an element with VR DS as float.

DT(*args, **kwargs)

Store value for an element with VR DT as datetime.datetime.

IS(val[, validation_mode])

Store value for an element with VR IS as int.

ISfloat(val[, validation_mode])

Store value for an element with VR IS as float.

MultiString(val[, valtype, validation_mode])

Split a string by delimiters if there are any

PersonName(*args, **kwargs)

Representation of the value for an element with VR PN.


alias of PersonName

TM(*args, **kwargs)

Store value for an element with VR TM as datetime.time.


DICOM Data Element's Value Representation (VR)