General examples

Somewhere to start

Analyse differences between DICOM files

Analyse differences between DICOM files

Display unicode person names

Display unicode person names

Show working with memory-based dataset

Show working with memory-based dataset

Show a dicom file using hierarchical tree

Show a dicom file using hierarchical tree

Image processing

These examples illustrate the image processing available in pydicom which can be applied to DICOM images.

Downsize MRI image using pydicom

Downsize MRI image using pydicom

Decode and plot Waveform Data

Decode and plot Waveform Data

Load CT slices and plot axial, sagittal and coronal images

Load CT slices and plot axial, sagittal and coronal images


These examples illustrate the use of pydicom to read DICOM data.

Read RTPLAN DICOM and list information

Read RTPLAN DICOM and list information

Read a Dataset and plot Pixel Data

Read a Dataset and plot Pixel Data

Format the output of the data set printing

Format the output of the data set printing

Write DICOM data

Write DICOM data

Read a DICOMDIR dataset

Read a DICOMDIR dataset

Read a DICOM File-set

Read a DICOM File-set

Metadata processing

These examples illustrates the processing available in pydicom to modify the metadata of DICOM data.

Add dictionary items in the standard DICOM dictionary

Add dictionary items in the standard DICOM dictionary

Working with sequences

Working with sequences

Anonymize DICOM data

Anonymize DICOM data

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