Introduction to JSON support

Starting in pydicom version 1.3, some support for converting DICOM data to and from JSON format has been added. This support is considered to be in beta state, and the API is still subject to change.

Support for the JSON format has been added to the DICOM Standard in Part 18 as the DICOM JSON Model. The standard describes how different DICOM value representations can be encoded in JSON.

Converting a dataset into JSON format

pydicom supports the conversion of a DICOM dataset both into a JSON string and into a deserialized JSON dictionary:

>>> import pydicom
>>> ds = pydicom.examples.ct
>>> ds.to_json()
'{"00080005": {"Value": ["ISO_IR 100"], "vr": "CS"}, "00080008": {"Value":...
>>> ds.to_json_dict()
{"00080005": {"Value": ["ISO_IR 100"], "vr": "CS"}, "00080008": {"Value":...

Which of these methods you need depends on your use case. The JSON string format created by to_json() can be used in low-level APIs to serialize the dataset. Higher-level Python APIs (like Django) often work directly with Python dictionaries deserialized from a JSON string instead, so to_json_dict() can be more convenient here.

Creating a dataset from JSON

Similar, a dataset can be created both from a JSON string and from a JSON dictionary. There is only a single function to handle both cases:

>>> from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
>>> Dataset.from_json('{"00080005": {"Value": ["ISO_IR 100"], "vr": "CS"}}')
(0008, 0005) Specific Character Set              CS: u'ISO_IR 100'
>>> Dataset.from_json({"00080005": {"Value": ["ISO_IR 100"], "vr": "CS"}})
(0008, 0005) Specific Character Set              CS: u'ISO_IR 100'

The conversion in both directions is symmetric:

>>> import pydicom
>>> ds = pydicom.examples.ct
>>> ds_json = ds.to_json()
>>> ds1 = pydicom.dataset.Dataset.from_json(ds_json)
>>> assert ds == ds1

Working with large binary data

Large binary data can be handled in two ways. It can be encoded inline as a base64-encoded string, or it can be accessed via a BulkDataURI provided in the JSON data, that provides the possibility to retrieve the data using the DICOMweb WADO-RS standard.

If you don’t provide additional arguments to the encoding functions, the data is encoded inline. If you want to save or retrieve data using DICOMweb WADO-RS, you have to provide a bulk data handler.

On writing JSON data, the bulk data handler is responsible to store the data so it can be retrieved via the BulkDataURI saved in the JSON dataset. Note that only data greater than bulk_data_threshold (by default set to 1024) is handled by the bulk data handler - smaller data is encoded inline.

>>> import pydicom
>>> def bulk_data_handler(data_element):
>>>     uri = store_data_and_return_uri(data_element)
>>>     return uri
>>> ds = pydicom.examples.ct
>>> ds_json = ds.to_json(bulk_data_element_handler=bulk_data_handler)

On reading JSON data, the handler must be able to retrieve the data using the stored BulkDataURI:

>>> def bulk_data_reader(bulk_data_uri):
>>>     return data_retrieved_via_uri(bulk_data_uri)
>>> json_data = {
>>>     "00091002": {"vr": "OB", "BulkDataURI": ""}
>>> }
>>> ds = Dataset.from_json(json_data, bulk_data_uri_handler=bulk_data_reader)

or, if you need to also know the tag and the vr, in addition to the stored BulkDataURI:

>>> def bulk_data_reader(tag, vr, bulk_data_uri):
>>>     return data_retrieved_for_tag_and_vr_via_uri(tag, vr, bulk_data_uri)
>>> json_data = {
>>>     "00091002": {"vr": "OB", "BulkDataURI": ""}
>>> }
>>> ds = Dataset.from_json(json_data, bulk_data_uri_handler=bulk_data_reader)