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Format the output of the data set printingΒΆ
This example illustrates how to print the data set in your own format.
Image Type = ['DERIVED', 'SECONDARY', 'OTHER']
Instance Creation Date = '20040826'
Instance Creation Time = '185434'
Instance Creator UID = ''
SOP Class UID = '1.2.840.10008.'
SOP Instance UID = ''
Study Date = '20040826'
Series Date = ''
Acquisition Date = ''
Study Time = '185059'
Series Time = ''
Acquisition Time = ''
Accession Number = ''
Modality = 'MR'
Manufacturer = 'TOSHIBA_MEC'
Institution Name = 'TOSHIBA'
Referring Physician's Name = ''
Timezone Offset From UTC = '-0400'
Station Name = '000000000'
Name of Physician(s) Reading Study = '----'
Operators' Name = '----'
Manufacturer's Model Name = 'MRT50H1'
Patient's Name = 'CompressedSamples^MR1'
Patient ID = '4MR1'
Patient's Birth Date = ''
Patient's Sex = 'F'
Patient's Size = ''
Patient's Weight = "80.0000"
Contrast/Bolus Agent = ''
Scanning Sequence = 'SE'
Sequence Variant = 'NONE'
Scan Options = ''
MR Acquisition Type = '3D'
Slice Thickness = "0.8000"
Repetition Time = "4000.0000"
Echo Time = "240.0000"
Number of Averages = "1.0000"
Imaging Frequency = "63.92433900"
Imaged Nucleus = 'H'
Echo Number(s) = '1'
Echo Train Length = ''
Device Serial Number = '-0000200'
Software Version(s) = 'V3.51*P25'
Flip Angle = "90"
Patient Position = 'HFS'
Study Instance UID = ''
Series Instance UID = ''
Study ID = '4MR1'
Series Number = '1'
Acquisition Number = '0'
Instance Number = '1'
Image Position (Patient) = ['-83.9063', '-91.2000', '6.6406']
Image Orientation (Patient) = ['1.0000', '0.0000', '0.0000', '0.0000', '1.0000',...
Frame of Reference UID = ''
Laterality = ''
Position Reference Indicator = ''
Slice Location = "0.0000"
Image Comments = 'Uncompressed'
Samples per Pixel = 1
Photometric Interpretation = 'MONOCHROME2'
Rows = 64
Columns = 64
Pixel Spacing = ['0.3125', '0.3125']
Bits Allocated = 16
Bits Stored = 16
High Bit = 15
Pixel Representation = 1
Smallest Image Pixel Value = 0
Largest Image Pixel Value = 4000
Window Center = "600"
Window Width = "1600"
<item not printed -- in the "don't print" list>
Data Set Trailing Padding = b'\n\x00\xfe\x00\x04\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x...
# authors : Guillaume Lemaitre <>
# license : MIT
from __future__ import print_function
import pydicom
from import get_testdata_files
def myprint(dataset, indent=0):
"""Go through all items in the dataset and print them with custom format
Modelled after Dataset._pretty_str()
dont_print = ['Pixel Data', 'File Meta Information Version']
indent_string = " " * indent
next_indent_string = " " * (indent + 1)
for data_element in dataset:
if data_element.VR == "SQ": # a sequence
for sequence_item in data_element.value:
myprint(sequence_item, indent + 1)
print(next_indent_string + "---------")
if in dont_print:
print("""<item not printed -- in the "don't print" list>""")
repr_value = repr(data_element.value)
if len(repr_value) > 50:
repr_value = repr_value[:50] + "..."
print("{0:s} {1:s} = {2:s}".format(indent_string,,
filename = get_testdata_files('MR_small.dcm')[0]
ds = pydicom.dcmread(filename)
Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.011 seconds)