Read DICOM directoryΒΆ

This example shows how to read DICOM directory.


Path to the DICOM directory: /home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/DICOMDIR
    Study 2: 20010101: XR C Spine Comp Min 4 Views
        Series 1: CR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Archibald'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'77654033'}
        Series 2: CR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Archibald'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'77654033'}
        Series 3: CR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Archibald'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'77654033'}
    Study 2: 19950903: CT, HEAD/BRAIN WO CONTRAST
        Series 2: CT: N/A (4 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/77654033/CT2/17106',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Archibald', 'Doe^Archibald', 'Doe^Archibald', 'Doe^Archibald'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'77654033'}
    Study 2: 20010101:
        Series 4: CT: N/A (2 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892001/CT2N/6293',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
        Series 5: CT: N/A (5 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892001/CT5N/2062',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
    Study 428: 20030505: Carotids
        Series 1: MR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892003/MR1/15820']
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
        Series 2: MR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892003/MR2/15970']
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
    Study 134: 20030505: Brain
        Series 1: MR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
        Series 2: MR: N/A (3 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892003/MR2/4950',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
    Study 2: 20030505: Brain-MRA
        Series 1: MR: N/A (1 image)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
        Series 2: MR: N/A (3 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892003/MR2/6935',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}
        Series 700: MR: N/A (7 images)
            Reading images...

            Image filenames:
             [           '/home/ubuntu/pydicom/pydicom/data/test_files/dicomdirtests/98892003/MR700/4558',
            Patient Names in images..: {'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter', 'Doe^Peter'}
            Patient IDs in images..: {'98890234'}

# authors : Guillaume Lemaitre <>
# license : MIT

from os.path import dirname, join
from pprint import pprint

import pydicom
from import get_testdata_files
from pydicom.filereader import read_dicomdir

# fetch the path to the test data
filepath = get_testdata_files('DICOMDIR')[0]
print('Path to the DICOM directory: {}'.format(filepath))
# load the data
dicom_dir = read_dicomdir(filepath)
base_dir = dirname(filepath)

# go through the patient record and print information
for patient_record in dicom_dir.patient_records:
    if (hasattr(patient_record, 'PatientID') and
            hasattr(patient_record, 'PatientsName')):
        print("Patient: {}: {}".format(patient_record.PatientID,
    studies = patient_record.children
    # got through each serie
    for study in studies:
        print(" " * 4 + "Study {}: {}: {}".format(study.StudyID,
        all_series = study.children
        # go through each serie
        for series in all_series:
            image_count = len(series.children)
            plural = ('', 's')[image_count > 1]

            # Write basic series info and image count

            # Put N/A in if no Series Description
            if 'SeriesDescription' not in series:
                series.SeriesDescription = "N/A"
            print(" " * 8 + "Series {}: {}: {} ({} image{})".format(
                series.SeriesNumber, series.Modality, series.SeriesDescription,
                image_count, plural))

            # Open and read something from each image, for demonstration
            # purposes. For simple quick overview of DICOMDIR, leave the
            # following out
            print(" " * 12 + "Reading images...")
            image_records = series.children
            image_filenames = [join(base_dir, *image_rec.ReferencedFileID)
                               for image_rec in image_records]

            datasets = [pydicom.dcmread(image_filename)
                        for image_filename in image_filenames]

            patient_names = set(ds.PatientName for ds in datasets)
            patient_IDs = set(ds.PatientID for ds in datasets)

            # List the image filenames
            print("\n" + " " * 12 + "Image filenames:")
            print(" " * 12, end=' ')
            pprint(image_filenames, indent=12)

            # Expect all images to have same patient name, id
            # Show the set of all names, IDs found (should each have one)
            print(" " * 12 + "Patient Names in images..: {}".format(
            print(" " * 12 + "Patient IDs in images..: {}".format(

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.098 seconds)

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