Query/Retrieve (Get) Service Examples

The DICOM Query/Retrieve Service provides a mechanism for a service user to query and retrieve the SOP Instances managed by a QR SCP. The QR (Get) SOP classes allow an SCU to receive SOP Instances that match the requested query. This is accomplished through the DIMSE C-GET and C-STORE services. Both query and retrieval occur over the same association, with the SCP of the Query/Retrieve Service acting as the SCU of the Storage Service (and vice versa).

Query/Retrieve (Get) SCU

Associate with a peer DICOM Application Entity and request the retrieval of all CT datasets for the patient with Patient ID 1234567 belonging to the series with Study Instance UID 1.2.3 and Series Instance UID

The value of the Query Retrieve Level determines what SOP Instances are actually transferred; to transfer all datasets in the series we use the SERIES level.

Query Retrieve Level



All SOP Instances related to a patient shall be transferred


All SOP Instances related to a study shall be transferred


All SOP Instances related to a series shall be transferred


Selected individual SOP Instances shall be transferred

One extra step needed with the Query/Retrieve (Get) Service is that during association we need to include a SCP/SCU Role Selection Negotiation item for each of the supported presentation contexts that may be used with the C-STORE requests.

If you’re going to write SOP Instances (datasets) to file it’s recommended that you ensure the file is conformant with the DICOM File Format, which requires adding the File Meta Information.

Check the handler implementation documentation to see the requirements for the evt.EVT_C_STORE handler.

from pydicom.dataset import Dataset

from pynetdicom import AE, evt, build_role, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import (


# Implement the handler for evt.EVT_C_STORE
def handle_store(event):
    """Handle a C-STORE request event."""
    ds = event.dataset
    ds.file_meta = event.file_meta

    # Save the dataset using the SOP Instance UID as the filename
    ds.save_as(ds.SOPInstanceUID, write_like_original=False)

    # Return a 'Success' status
    return 0x0000

handlers = [(evt.EVT_C_STORE, handle_store)]

# Initialise the Application Entity
ae = AE()

# Add the requested presentation contexts (QR SCU)
# Add the requested presentation context (Storage SCP)

# Create an SCP/SCU Role Selection Negotiation item for CT Image Storage
role = build_role(CTImageStorage, scp_role=True)

# Create our Identifier (query) dataset
# We need to supply a Unique Key Attribute for each level above the
#   Query/Retrieve level
ds = Dataset()
ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'SERIES'
# Unique key for PATIENT level
ds.PatientID = '1234567'
# Unique key for STUDY level
ds.StudyInstanceUID = '1.2.3'
# Unique key for SERIES level
ds.SeriesInstanceUID = ''

# Associate with peer AE at IP and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, ext_neg=[role], evt_handlers=handlers)

if assoc.is_established:
    # Use the C-GET service to send the identifier
    responses = assoc.send_c_get(ds, PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet)
    for (status, identifier) in responses:
        if status:
            print('C-GET query status: 0x{0:04x}'.format(status.Status))
            print('Connection timed out, was aborted or received invalid response')

    # Release the association
    print('Association rejected, aborted or never connected')

The responses received from the SCP are dependent on the Identifier dataset keys and values, the Query/Retrieve level and the information model.

Query/Retrieve (Get) SCP

The following represents a toy implementation of a Query/Retrieve (Get) SCP where the SCU has sent the following Identifier dataset under the Patient Root Query Retrieve Information Model - Get context.

ds = Dataset()
ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'PATIENT'
ds.PatientID = '1234567'

This is a very bad way of managing stored SOP Instances, in reality its probably best to store the instance attributes in a database and run the query against that, which is the approach taken by the qrscp application.

Check the handler implementation documentation to see the requirements for the evt.EVT_C_GET handler.

import os

from pydicom import dcmread
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset

from pynetdicom import AE, StoragePresentationContexts, evt
from pynetdicom.sop_class import PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet

# Implement the handler for evt.EVT_C_GET
def handle_get(event):
    """Handle a C-GET request event."""
    ds = event.identifier
    if 'QueryRetrieveLevel' not in ds:
        # Failure
        yield 0xC000, None

    # Import stored SOP Instances
    instances = []
    matching = []
    fdir = '/path/to/directory'
    for fpath in os.listdir(fdir):
        instances.append(dcmread(os.path.join(fdir, fpath)))

    if ds.QueryRetrieveLevel == 'PATIENT':
        if 'PatientID' in ds:
            matching = [
                inst for inst in instances if inst.PatientID == ds.PatientID

        # Skip the other possible attributes...

    # Skip the other QR levels...

    # Yield the total number of C-STORE sub-operations required
    yield len(instances)

    # Yield the matching instances
    for instance in matching:
        # Check if C-CANCEL has been received
        if event.is_cancelled:
            yield (0xFE00, None)

        # Pending
        yield (0xFF00, instance)

handlers = [(evt.EVT_C_GET, handle_get)]

# Create application entity
ae = AE()

# Add the supported presentation contexts (Storage SCU)
ae.supported_contexts = StoragePresentationContexts

# Accept the association requestor's proposed SCP role in the
#   SCP/SCU Role Selection Negotiation items
for cx in ae.supported_contexts:
    cx.scp_role = True
    cx.scu_role = False

# Add a supported presentation context (QR Get SCP)

# Start listening for incoming association requests
ae.start_server(("", 11112), evt_handlers=handlers)