
class pydicom.hooks.Hooks[source]

Management class for callback functions.

Added in version 3.0.


New instances of this class should not be created, instead use the instance imported with from pydicom.hooks import hooks.

Available Hooks

For conversion of raw element data to DataElement using convert_raw_data_element():

  • "raw_element_vr": function to perform VR lookups for raw elements, default raw_element_vr().

  • "raw_element_value": function to convert raw element values to types appropriate for the VR, default raw_element_value().

  • "raw_element_kwargs": kwargs dict passed to the callback functions.

__init__() None[source]

Initialize a new Hooks instance.



Initialize a new Hooks instance.

register_callback(hook, func)

Register the callback function func to a hook.

register_kwargs(hook, kwargs)

Register a kwargs dict to be passed to the corresponding callback function(s).

register_callback(hook: str, func: Callable) None[source]

Register the callback function func to a hook.


from pydicom import dcmread
from pydicom.hooks import hooks, raw_element_value_fix_separator

    "raw_element_value", raw_element_value_fix_separator
kwargs = {"target_VRs": ("DS", "IS")}
hooks.register_kwargs("raw_element_kwargs", kwargs)

ds = dcmread("path/to/dataset.dcm")
  • hook (str) – The name of the hook to register the function to, allowed values "raw_element_vr" and "raw_element_value".

  • func (Callable) – The callback function to use with the hook. Only one callback function can be used per hook. For details on the required function signatures please see the documentation for the corresponding calling function.

register_kwargs(hook: str, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Register a kwargs dict to be passed to the corresponding callback function(s).

  • hook (str) – The name of the hook to register kwargs to, allowed value "raw_element_kwargs".

  • kwargs (dict[str, Any]) – A dict containing keyword arguments to be passed to the hook’s corresponding callback function(s).