
Requesting an Association (SCU)

Assuming you have an AE and have added your requested presentation contexts then you can associate with a peer by using the AE.associate() method, which returns an Association thread:

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Associate with the peer at IP address and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112)

# Release the association
if assoc.is_established:

This sends an association request to the IP address on port 11112 with the request containing the presentation contexts from AE.requested_contexts and the default Called AE Title parameter of 'ANY-SCP'.

Established associations should always be released or aborted (using Association.release() or Association.abort()), otherwise the association will remain open until either the peer or local AE hits a timeout and aborts.

Specifying the Called AE Title

Some SCPs will reject an association request if the Called AE Title parameter value doesn’t match its own title, so this can be set using the ae_title keyword parameter:

assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, ae_title='STORE_SCP')

Specifying Presentation Contexts for each Association

Calling AE.associate() with only the addr and port parameters means the presentation contexts in AE.requested_contexts will be used with the association. To propose presentation contexts on a per-association basis you can use the contexts keyword parameter:

from pynetdicom import AE, build_context

ae = AE()
requested_contexts = [build_context('1.2.840.10008.1.1')]
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, contexts=requested_contexts)

if assoc.is_established:

Using Extended Negotiation

If you require the use of extended negotiation then you can supply the ext_neg keyword parameter. Some extended negotiation items can only be singular and some can occur multiple times depending on the service class and intended usage. The following example shows how to add SCP/SCU Role Selection Negotiation items using build_role() when requesting the use of the Query/Retrieve (QR) Service Class’ C-GET service (in this example the QR SCU is also acting as a Storage SCP), plus a User Identity Negotiation item:

from pynetdicom import AE, StoragePresentationContexts, build_role
from pynetdicom.pdu_primitives import UserIdentityNegotiation
from pynetdicom.sop_class import PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet

ae = AE()
# Contexts supported as a Storage SCP - requires Role Selection
#   Note that we are limited to a maximum of 128 contexts so we
#   only include 127 to make room for the QR Get context
ae.requested_contexts = StoragePresentationContexts[:127]
# Contexts proposed as a QR SCU
ae.add_requested_context = PatientRootQueryRetrieveInformationModelGet

# Add role selection items for the contexts we will be supporting as an SCP
negotiation_items = []
for context in StoragePresentationContexts[:127]:
    role = build_role(context.abstract_syntax, scp_role=True)

# Add user identity negotiation request - passwords are sent in the clear!
user_identity = UserIdentityNegotiation()
user_identity.user_identity_type = 2
user_identity.primary_field = b'username'
user_identity.secondary_field = b'password'

# Associate with the peer at IP address and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, ext_neg=negotiation_items)

if assoc.is_established:

Possible extended negotiation items are:

Binding Event Handlers

If you want to bind handlers to any events within a new Association you can use the evt_handlers keyword parameter:

import logging

from pynetdicom import AE, evt, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pynetdicom')

def handle_open(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when connected."""
    msg = 'Connected with remote at {}'.format(event.address)

def handle_accepted(event, arg1, arg2):
    """Demonstrate the use of the optional extra parameters""""Extra args: '{}' and '{}'".format(arg1, arg2))

# If a 2-tuple then only `event` parameter
# If a 3-tuple then the third value should be a list of objects to pass the handler
handlers = [
    (evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open),
    (evt.EVT_ACCEPTED, handle_accepted, ['optional', 'parameters']),

ae = AE()
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, evt_handlers=handlers)

if assoc.is_established:

Handlers can also be bound and unbound from events in an existing Association:

import logging

from pynetdicom import AE, evt, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pynetdicom')

def handle_open(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when connected."""
    msg = 'Connected with remote at {}'.format(event.address)

def handle_close(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when disconnected."""
    msg = 'Disconnected from remote at {}'.format(event.address)

handlers = [(evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open)]

ae = AE()
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, evt_handlers=handlers)

assoc.unbind(evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open)
assoc.bind(evt.EVT_CONN_CLOSE, handle_close)

if assoc.is_established:



TLS v1.3 is not currently supported

The client socket used for the association can be wrapped in TLS by supplying the tls_args keyword parameter to associate():

import ssl

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Create the SSLContext, your requirements may vary
ssl_cx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH, cafile='server.crt')
ssl_cx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
ssl_cx.load_cert_chain(certfile='client.crt', keyfile='client.key')

assoc = ae.associate("", 11112, tls_args=(ssl_cx, None))

if assoc.is_established:

Where tls_args is (ssl.SSLContext, host), where host is the value of the server_hostname keyword parameter in wrap_socket().

Outcomes of an Association Request

There are four potential outcomes of an association request: acceptance and establishment, association rejection, association abort or a connection failure, so its a good idea to test for establishment before attempting to use the association:

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Associate with the peer at IP address and port 11112
assoc = ae.associate("", 11112)

if assoc.is_established:
    # Do something useful...

    # Release

Using an Association (SCU)

Once an association has been established with the peer then the agreed upon set of services are available for use. pynetdicom supports the usage of the following DIMSE services:

Attempting to use a service without an established association will raise a RuntimeError, while attempting to use a service that is not supported by the association will raise a ValueError.

For more information on using the services available to an association please read through the examples corresponding to the service class you’re interested in.

Releasing an Association

Once your association has been established and you’ve finished using it, its a good idea to release the association using Association.release(), otherwise the association will remain open until the network timeout expires or the peer aborts or closes the connection.

Accessing User Identity Responses

If the association Requestor has sent a User Identity Negotiation item as part of the extended negotiation and has requested a response in the event of a positive identification then it can be accessed via the Association.acceptor.user_identity property after the association has been established.

Listening for Association Requests (SCP)

Assuming you have added your supported presentation contexts then you can start listening for association requests from peers with the AE.start_server() method:

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Listen for association requests
ae.start_server(("", 11112))

The above is suitable as an implementation of the Verification Service Class, however other service classes will require that you implement and bind one or more of the intervention event handlers.

The association server can be started in both blocking (default) and non-blocking modes:

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Returns a ThreadedAssociationServer instance
server = ae.start_server(("", 11112), block=False)

# Blocks
ae.start_server(("", 11113), block=True)

The returned ThreadedAssociationServer instances can be stopped using shutdown() and all active associations can be stopped using AE.shutdown().

Specifying the AE Title

The AE title for each SCP can be set using the ae_title keyword parameter. If no value is set then the AE title of the parent AE will be used instead:

ae.start_server(("", 11112), ae_title='STORE_SCP')

Specifying Presentation Contexts for each SCP

To support presentation contexts on a per-SCP basis you can use the contexts keyword parameter:

from pynetdicom import AE, build_context

ae = AE()
supported_cx = [build_context('1.2.840.10008.1.1')]
ae.start_server(("", 11112), contexts=supported_cx)

Binding Event Handlers

If you want to bind handlers to any events within any Association instances generated by the SCP you can use the evt_handlers keyword parameter:

import logging

from pynetdicom import AE, evt, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pynetdicom')

def handle_open(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when connected."""
    msg = 'Connected with remote at {}'.format(event.address)

def handle_accepted(event, arg1, arg2):
    """Demonstrate the use of the optional extra parameters""""Extra args: '{}' and '{}'".format(arg1, arg2))

# If a 2-tuple then only `event` parameter
# If a 3-tuple then the third value should be a list of objects to pass the handler
handlers = [
    (evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open),
    (evt.EVT_ACCEPTED, handle_accepted, ['optional', 'parameters']),

ae = AE()
ae.start_server(("", 11112), evt_handlers=handlers)

Handlers can also be bound and unbound from events in an existing ThreadedAssociationServer, provided you run in non-blocking mode:

import logging
import time

from pynetdicom import AE, evt, debug_logger
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('pynetdicom')

def handle_open(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when connected."""
    msg = 'Connected with remote at {}'.format(event.address)

def handle_close(event):
    """Print the remote's (host, port) when disconnected."""
    msg = 'Disconnected from remote at {}'.format(event.address)

handlers = [(evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open)]

ae = AE()
scp = ae.start_server(("", 11112), block=False, evt_handlers=handlers)


scp.unbind(evt.EVT_CONN_OPEN, handle_open)
scp.bind(evt.EVT_CONN_CLOSE, handle_close)"Bindings changed")



This will bind/unbind the handler from all currently running Association instances generated by the server as well as new Association instances generated in response to future association requests. Associations created using AE.associate() will be unaffected.



TLS v1.3 is not currently supported

The client sockets generated by the association server can also be wrapped in TLS by supplying a ssl.SSLContext instance via the ssl_context keyword parameter:

import ssl

from pynetdicom import AE
from pynetdicom.sop_class import Verification

ae = AE()

# Create the SSLContext, your requirements may vary
ssl_cx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ssl_cx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
ssl_cx.load_cert_chain(certfile='server.crt', keyfile='server.key')
# Python 3.7+ w/ OpenSSL 1.1.0g+, other versions may require a different
#   method to set the TLS version - check the Python documentation
ssl_cx.maximum_version = ssl.TLSVersion.TLSv1_2

server = ae.start_server(("", 11112), block=False, ssl_context=ssl_cx)

Providing DIMSE Services (SCP)

If the association supports a service class that uses one or more of the DIMSE-C or -N services then a handler must be implemented and bound to the event corresponding to the service (excluding C-ECHO which has a default implementation that always returns a 0x0000 Success response):

DIMSE service
























For instance, if your SCP is to support the Storage Service then you would implement and bind a handler for the evt.EVT_C_STORE event in manner similar to:

from pynetdicom import AE, evt
from pynetdicom.sop_class import CTImageStorage

ae = AE()

def handle_store(event):
    """Handle evt.EVT_C_STORE"""
    # This is just a toy implementation that doesn't store anything and
    # always returns a Success response
    return 0x0000

handlers = [(evt.EVT_C_STORE, handle_store)]

# Listen for association requests
ae.start_server(("", 11112), evt_handlers=handlers)

For more detailed information on implementing the DIMSE service provider handlers please see the handler implementation documentation and the examples corresponding to the service class you’re interested in.