Registering a new SOP Class

You may occasionally come across a private SOP Class UID you like to be able to receive, or perhaps there’s a public SOP Class from a recent release of the DICOM Standard that hasn’t yet been added to pynetdicom. In this short tutorial you’ll learn how to register your own UID so it can be used like the SOP Classes included by pynetdicom.

To register new UIDs you use the register_uid() function, which takes the UID to be registered, a keyword that will be used as the variable name for the new UID and the pynetdicom service_class to register the UID with:

from pynetdicom import register_uid
from pynetdicom.service_class import StorageServiceClass


The UID can then be imported from the sop_class module and used like other UIDs:

from pynetdicom import AE, evt
from pynetdicom.sop_class import PrivateRTPlanStorage

def handle_store(evt):
    ds = event.dataset
    ds.file_meta = event.file_meta

    return 0x0000

ae = AE()
# or ae.add_supported_context("")
ae.start_server(("localhost", 11112), evt_handlers=[(evt.EVT_C_STORE, handle_store)])

When registering a new UID with the QueryRetrieveServiceClass, you must also specify which of the three DIMSE-C message types the UID is to be used with:

from pynetdicom import register_uid
from pynetdicom.service_class import QueryRetrieveServiceClass

    dimse_msg_type="C-FIND"  # or "C-GET" or "C-MOVE"