
pydicom.config.overlay_data_handlers = [<module 'pydicom.overlays.numpy_handler' from '/root/project/pydicom/overlays/'>]

Handlers for converting (60xx,3000) Overlay Data

New in version 1.4.

Deprecated since version 2.1.

This is an ordered list of Overlay Data handlers that the overlay_array() method will use to try to extract a correctly sized numpy array from an Overlay Data element.

Handlers have two required methods:

def is_available():

Return True if the handler’s dependencies are installed, False otherwise.

def get_overlay_array(ds, group):

Return a correctly shaped numpy.ndarray derived from the Overlay Data with element tag group, in Dataset ds or raise an exception.

And two required attributes:


A dict containing the dependencies of the handler as {‘package_import_name’: (’’, ‘Package Name’)}


The name of the handler, e.g. ‘Numpy Overlay’

The first handler that both announces that it supports the transfer syntax and does not raise an exception is the handler that will provide the data.

If all handlers fail to convert the data only the last exception is raised.