Working with Waveform Data

How to work with waveform data in pydicom.


Some DICOM SOP classes such as Basic Voice Audio Waveform and 12-Lead ECG contain a (5400,0100) Waveform Sequence element, where each item in the sequence is a related group of waveforms (a multiplex). The requirements of the sequence is given by the Waveform module in Part 3, Annex C.10.9 of the DICOM Standard.

Each multiplex consists of one or more channels synchronised at a common sampling frequency (in Hz), which is given by the (003A,001A) Sampling Frequency. The waveform data for each multiplex is encoded in the corresponding (5400,1010) Waveform Data element.

>>> from pydicom import examples
>>> ds = examples.waveform
>>> ds.WaveformSequence
<Sequence, length 2>
>>> multiplex = ds.WaveformSequence[0]
>>> multiplex.NumberOfWaveformChannels
>>> multiplex.SamplingFrequency
>>> multiplex['WaveformData']
(5400, 1010) Waveform Data                       OW: Array of 240000 elements



Dataset.waveform_array() requires NumPy.

The Waveform Data element contains the raw bytes exactly as found in the file. To get the waveforms in a more useful form you can use the Dataset.waveform_array() method to return a numpy.ndarray with shape (samples, channels) for the multiplex group at index in the Waveform Sequence.

>>> multiplex_1 = ds.waveform_array(0)
>>> multiplex_1
array([[ 100.  ,  112.5 ,   12.5 , ...,  -25.  ,  -68.75,  -50.  ],
       [  81.25,  106.25,   25.  , ...,  -25.  ,  -75.  ,  -50.  ],
       [  62.5 ,  100.  ,   37.5 , ...,  -25.  ,  -81.25,  -50.  ],
       [  25.  ,  131.25,  106.25, ..., -137.5 , -150.  , -100.  ],
       [  21.25,  137.5 ,  116.25, ..., -137.5 , -150.  , -106.25],
       [  25.  ,  137.5 ,  112.5 , ..., -137.5 , -150.  , -112.5 ]])
>>> multiplex_1.shape
(10000, 12)
>>> multiplex_2 = ds.waveform_array(1)
>>> multiplex_2.shape
(1200, 12)

If the Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor is available for a given channel then it will be applied to the raw channel data. If you need the raw data without any corrections then you can use the multiplex_array() function with the as_raw keyword parameter instead:

>>> from pydicom.waveforms import multiplex_array
>>> arr = multiplex_array(ds, 0, as_raw=True)
>>> arr
array([[  80,   90,   10, ...,  -20,  -55,  -40],
       [  65,   85,   20, ...,  -20,  -60,  -40],
       [  50,   80,   30, ...,  -20,  -65,  -40],
       [  20,  105,   85, ..., -110, -120,  -80],
       [  17,  110,   93, ..., -110, -120,  -85],
       [  20,  110,   90, ..., -110, -120,  -90]], dtype=int16)