.. _api_reference: ============================== Pydicom Complete API Reference ============================== .. rubric:: Auto-generated API documentation DICOM Dataset ============= .. automodule:: pydicom.dataset Modules related to DICOM File Input/Output ========================================== Reading DICOM files - the filereader module ------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.filereader Writing DICOM files - the filewriter module ------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.filewriter Base classes for file I/O - the filebase module ----------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.filebase Handling a DicomDir object - the dicomdir module ------------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: pydicom.dicomdir Helper functions for reading files - the fileutil module -------------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.fileutil DICOM Tag related modules ========================= DICOM data dictionary - the datadict module ------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.datadict DICOM data elements - the dataelem module ---------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.dataelem DICOM sequences - the sequence module ------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.sequence DICOM tags - the tag module --------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.tag DICOM tag values - the values module ------------------------------------ .. automodule:: pydicom.values DICOM values with VM > 1 - the multival module ---------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.multival Handling of DICOM VRs - the valuerep module ------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.valuerep Handling of character encoding - the charset module -------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.charset DICOM UIDs - the uid module --------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.uid Various helper modules ====================== Configuration of pydicom behavior - the config module ----------------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.config Working with compressed pixel data - the encaps module ------------------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: pydicom.encaps Miscellaneous helper functions - the misc module ------------------------------------------------ .. automodule:: pydicom.misc Pydicom-specific exceptions - the errors module ----------------------------------------------- .. automodule:: pydicom.errors