Source code for pydicom.valuerep

"""Special classes for DICOM value representations (VR)"""
# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Darcy Mason
# This file is part of pydicom, released under a modified MIT license.
#    See the file LICENSE included with this distribution, also
#    available at
from copy import deepcopy
from decimal import Decimal
import re

from datetime import (date, datetime, time, timedelta)

# don't import datetime_conversion directly
from pydicom import config
from pydicom import compat
from pydicom.multival import MultiValue
from pydicom.util.fixes import timezone

# can't import from charset or get circular import
default_encoding = "iso8859"

# For reading/writing data elements,
# these ones have longer explicit VR format
# Taken from PS3.5 Section 7.1.2
extra_length_VRs = ('OB', 'OD', 'OF', 'OL', 'OW', 'SQ', 'UC', 'UN', 'UR', 'UT')

# VRs that can be affected by character repertoire
# in (0008,0005) Specific Character Set
# See PS-3.5 (2011), section 6.1.2 Graphic Characters
# and PN, but it is handled separately.
text_VRs = ('SH', 'LO', 'ST', 'LT', 'UC', 'UR', 'UT')

match_string = b''.join([
    b'(?P<single_byte>', br'(?P<family_name>[^=\^]*)',
    br'\^?(?P<given_name>[^=\^]*)', br'\^?(?P<middle_name>[^=\^]*)',
    br'\^?(?P<name_prefix>[^=\^]*)', br'\^?(?P<name_suffix>[^=\^]*)', b')',
    b'=?(?P<ideographic>[^=]*)', b'=?(?P<phonetic>[^=]*)$'

match_string_uni = re.compile(match_string.decode('iso8859'))
match_string_bytes = re.compile(match_string)

[docs]class DA(date): """Store value for DICOM VR DA (Date) as Note that the base class is immutable. """ __slots__ = ['original_string'] def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __reduce__(self): return super(DA, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return super(DA, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) def __new__(cls, val): """Create an instance of DA object. Raise an exception if the string cannot be parsed or the argument is otherwise incompatible. :param val: val must be a string conformant to the DA definition in the DICOM Standard PS 3.5-2011 """ if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): if len(val) == 8: year = int(val[0:4]) month = int(val[4:6]) day = int(val[6:8]) val = super(DA, cls).__new__(cls, year, month, day) elif len(val) == 10 and val[4] == '.' and val[7] == '.': # ACR-NEMA Standard 300, predecessor to DICOM # for compatibility with a few old pydicom example files year = int(val[0:4]) month = int(val[5:7]) day = int(val[8:10]) val = super(DA, cls).__new__(cls, year, month, day) elif val == '': val = None # empty date else: try: val = super(DA, cls).__new__(cls, val) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert to datetime: '%s'" % (val)) elif isinstance(val, date): val = super(DA, cls).__new__(cls, val.year, val.month, else: val = super(DA, cls).__new__(cls, val) return val def __init__(self, val): if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, DA) and hasattr(val, 'original_string'): self.original_string = val.original_string def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string'): return self.original_string else: return super(DA, self).__str__()
[docs]class DT(datetime): """Store value for DICOM VR DT (DateTime) as datetime.datetime. Note that the datetime.datetime base class is immutable. """ __slots__ = ['original_string'] _regex_dt = re.compile(r"((\d{4,14})(\.(\d{1,6}))?)([+-]\d{4})?") def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __reduce__(self): return super(DT, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return super(DT, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) @staticmethod def _utc_offset(offset, name): return timezone(timedelta(seconds=offset), name) def __new__(cls, val): """Create an instance of DT object. Raise an exception if the string cannot be parsed or the argument is otherwise incompatible. :param val: val must be a string conformant to the DT definition in the DICOM Standard PS 3.5-2011 """ if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): match = DT._regex_dt.match(val) if match and len(val) <= 26: dt_match = year = int(dt_match[0:4]) if len(dt_match) < 6: month = 1 else: month = int(dt_match[4:6]) if len(dt_match) < 8: day = 1 else: day = int(dt_match[6:8]) if len(dt_match) < 10: hour = 0 else: hour = int(dt_match[8:10]) if len(dt_match) < 12: minute = 0 else: minute = int(dt_match[10:12]) if len(dt_match) < 14: second = 0 microsecond = 0 else: second = int(dt_match[12:14]) ms_match = if ms_match: microsecond = int(ms_match.rstrip().ljust(6, '0')) else: microsecond = 0 tz_match = if tz_match: offset1 = int(tz_match[1:3]) * 60 offset2 = int(tz_match[3:5]) offset = (offset1 + offset2) * 60 if tz_match[0] == '-': offset = -offset tzinfo = cls._utc_offset(offset, tz_match) else: tzinfo = None val = super(DT, cls).__new__(cls, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tzinfo) else: try: val = super(DT, cls).__new__(cls, val) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert to datetime: '%s'" % (val)) elif isinstance(val, datetime): val = super(DT, cls).__new__(cls, val.year, val.month,, val.hour, val.minute, val.second, val.microsecond, val.tzinfo) else: val = super(DT, cls).__new__(cls, val) return val def __init__(self, val): if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, DT) and hasattr(val, 'original_string'): self.original_string = val.original_string def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string'): return self.original_string else: return super(DT, self).__str__()
[docs]class TM(time): """Store value for DICOM VR of TM (Time) as datetime.time. Note that the datetime.time base class is immutable. """ __slots__ = ['original_string'] _regex_tm = re.compile(r"(\d{2,6})(\.(\d{1,6}))?") def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __reduce__(self): return super(TM, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return super(TM, self).__reduce__() + (self.__getstate__(), ) def __new__(cls, val): """Create an instance of TM object from a string. Raise an exception if the string cannot be parsed or the argument is otherwise incompatible. :param val: val must be a string conformant to the TM definition in the DICOM Standard PS 3.5-2011 """ if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): match = TM._regex_tm.match(val) if match and len(val) <= 16: tm_match = hour = int(tm_match[0:2]) if len(tm_match) < 4: minute = 0 else: minute = int(tm_match[2:4]) if len(tm_match) < 6: second = 0 microsecond = 0 else: second = int(tm_match[4:6]) ms_match = if ms_match: microsecond = int(ms_match.rstrip().ljust(6, '0')) else: microsecond = 0 val = super(TM, cls).__new__(cls, hour, minute, second, microsecond) elif val == '': val = None # empty time else: try: val = super(TM, cls).__new__(cls, val) except TypeError: raise ValueError("Cannot convert to datetime: '%s" % (val)) elif isinstance(val, time): val = super(TM, cls).__new__(cls, val.hour, val.minute, val.second, val.microsecond) else: val = super(TM, cls).__new__(cls, val) return val def __init__(self, val): if isinstance(val, (str, compat.string_types)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, TM) and hasattr(val, 'original_string'): self.original_string = val.original_string def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string'): return self.original_string else: return super(TM, self).__str__()
[docs]class DSfloat(float): """Store values for DICOM VR of DS (Decimal String) as a float. If constructed from an empty string, return the empty string, not an instance of this class. """ __slots__ = ['original_string'] def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __init__(self, val): """Store the original string if one given, for exact write-out of same value later. """ # ... also if user changes a data element value, then will get # a different object, because float is immutable. has_attribute = hasattr(val, 'original_string') if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, (DSfloat, DSdecimal)) and has_attribute: self.original_string = val.original_string def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string'): return self.original_string else: return super(DSfloat, self).__str__() def __repr__(self): return "\"" + str(self) + "\""
[docs]class DSdecimal(Decimal): """Store values for DICOM VR of DS (Decimal String). Note: if constructed by an empty string, returns the empty string, not an instance of this class. """ __slots__ = ['original_string'] def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __new__(cls, val): """Create an instance of DS object, or return a blank string if one is passed in, e.g. from a type 2 DICOM blank value. :param val: val must be a string or a number type which can be converted to a decimal """ # Store this value here so that if the input string is actually a valid # string but decimal.Decimal transforms it to an invalid string it will # still be initialized properly enforce_length = config.enforce_valid_values # DICOM allows spaces around the string, # but python doesn't, so clean it if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)): val = val.strip() # If the input string is actually invalid that we relax the valid # value constraint for this particular instance if len(val) <= 16: enforce_length = False if val == '': return val if isinstance(val, float) and not config.allow_DS_float: msg = ("DS cannot be instantiated with a float value, " "unless config.allow_DS_float is set to True. " "It is recommended to convert to a string instead, " "with the desired number of digits, or use " "Decimal.quantize and pass a Decimal instance.") raise TypeError(msg) if not isinstance(val, Decimal): val = super(DSdecimal, cls).__new__(cls, val) if len(str(val)) > 16 and enforce_length: msg = ("DS value representation must be <= 16 " "characters by DICOM standard. Initialize with " "a smaller string, or set config.enforce_valid_values " "to False to override, or use Decimal.quantize() and " "initialize with a Decimal instance.") raise OverflowError(msg) return val def __init__(self, val): """Store the original string if one given, for exact write-out of same value later. E.g. if set '1.23e2', Decimal would write '123', but DS will use the original """ # ... also if user changes a data element value, then will get # a different Decimal, as Decimal is immutable. if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, (DSfloat, DSdecimal)) and hasattr(val, 'original_string'): # noqa self.original_string = val.original_string def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string') and len(self.original_string) <= 16: # noqa return self.original_string else: return super(DSdecimal, self).__str__() def __repr__(self): return "\"" + str(self) + "\""
# CHOOSE TYPE OF DS if config.use_DS_decimal: DSclass = DSdecimal else: DSclass = DSfloat
[docs]def DS(val): """Factory function for creating DS class instances. Checks for blank string; if so, return that. Else calls DSfloat or DSdecimal to create the class instance. This avoids overriding __new__ in DSfloat (which carries a time penalty for large arrays of DS). Similarly the string clean and check can be avoided and DSfloat called directly if a string has already been processed. """ if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)): val = val.strip() if val == '' or val is None: return '' return DSclass(val)
[docs]class IS(int): """Derived class of int. Stores original integer string for exact rewriting of the string originally read or stored. """ if compat.in_py2: __slots__ = ['original_string'] # Unlikely that str(int) will not be the # same as the original, but could happen # with leading zeros. def __getstate__(self): return dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in self.__slots__ if hasattr(self, slot)) def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value) def __new__(cls, val): """Create instance if new integer string""" if val is None: return '' if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)) and val.strip() == '': return '' # Overflow error in Python 2 for integers too large # while calling super(IS). Fall back on the regular int # casting that will automatically convert the val to long # if needed. try: newval = super(IS, cls).__new__(cls, val) except OverflowError: newval = int(val) # check if a float or Decimal passed in, then could have lost info, # and will raise error. E.g. IS(Decimal('1')) is ok, but not IS(1.23) if isinstance(val, (float, Decimal)) and newval != val: raise TypeError("Could not convert value to integer without loss") # Checks in case underlying int is >32 bits, DICOM does not allow this check_newval = (newval < -2**31 or newval >= 2**31) if check_newval and config.enforce_valid_values: dcm_limit = "-2**31 to (2**31 - 1) for IS" message = "Value exceeds DICOM limits of %s" % (dcm_limit) raise OverflowError(message) return newval def __init__(self, val): # If a string passed, then store it if isinstance(val, (str, compat.text_type)): self.original_string = val elif isinstance(val, IS) and hasattr(val, 'original_string'): self.original_string = val.original_string def __repr__(self): if hasattr(self, 'original_string'): return "'" + self.original_string + "'" else: return "\"" + int.__str__(self) + "\""
[docs]def MultiString(val, valtype=str): """Split a bytestring by delimiters if there are any val -- DICOM bytestring to split up valtype -- default str, but can be e.g. UID to overwrite to a specific type """ # Remove trailing blank used to pad to even length # 2005.05.25: also check for trailing 0, error made # in PET files we are converting if val and (val.endswith(' ') or val.endswith('\x00')): val = val[:-1] splitup = val.split("\\") if len(splitup) == 1: val = splitup[0] return valtype(val) if val else val else: return MultiValue(valtype, splitup)
class PersonName3(object): def __init__(self, val, encodings=default_encoding): if isinstance(val, PersonName3): encodings = val.encodings val = val.original_string self.original_string = val self.encodings = self._verify_encodings(encodings) self.parse(val) def parse(self, val): if isinstance(val, bytes): matchstr = match_string_bytes else: matchstr = match_string_uni matchobj = re.match(matchstr, val) self.__dict__.update(matchobj.groupdict()) groups = matchobj.groups() self.components = [groups[i] for i in (0, -2, -1)] def __eq__(self, other): return self.original_string == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __str__(self): return self.original_string.__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.original_string.__repr__() # For python 3, any override of __cmp__ or __eq__ # immutable requires explicit redirect of hash # function to the parent class See # See # dev/3.0/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__ __hash__ = object.__hash__ def decode(self, encodings=None): encodings = self._verify_encodings(encodings) from pydicom.charset import clean_escseq if not isinstance(self.components[0], bytes): comps = self.components else: comps = [ clean_escseq(comp.decode(enc), encodings) for comp, enc in zip(self.components, encodings) ] while len(comps) and not comps[-1]: comps.pop() return PersonName3('='.join(comps), encodings) def encode(self, encodings=None): encodings = self._verify_encodings(encodings) if isinstance(self.components[0], bytes): comps = self.components else: comps = [ C.encode(enc) for C, enc in zip(self.components, encodings) ] # Remove empty elements from the end while len(comps) and not comps[-1]: comps.pop() return b'='.join(comps) def family_comma_given(self): return self.formatted('%(family_name)s, %(given_name)s') def formatted(self, format_str): if isinstance(self.original_string, bytes): return format_str % self.decode(default_encoding).__dict__ else: return format_str % self.__dict__ def _verify_encodings(self, encodings): if encodings is None: return self.encodings if not isinstance(encodings, list): encodings = [encodings] * 3 if len(encodings) == 2: encodings.append(encodings[1]) return encodings
[docs]class PersonNameBase(object): """Base class for Person Name classes""" def __init__(self, val): """Initialize the PN properties""" # Note normally use __new__ on subclassing an immutable, # but here we just want to do some pre-processing # for properties PS 3.5-2008 section 6.2 (p.28) # and 6.2.1 describes PN. Briefly: # single-byte-characters=ideographic # characters=phonetic-characters # (each with?): # family-name-complex # ^Given-name-complex # ^Middle-name^name-prefix^name-suffix self.parse()
[docs] def formatted(self, format_str): """Return a formatted string according to the format pattern Use "...%(property)...%(property)..." where property is one of family_name, given_name, middle_name, name_prefix, name_suffix """ return format_str % self.__dict__
[docs] def parse(self): """Break down the components and name parts""" self.components = self.split("=") nComponents = len(self.components) self.single_byte = self.components[0] self.ideographic = '' self.phonetic = '' if nComponents > 1: self.ideographic = self.components[1] if nComponents > 2: self.phonetic = self.components[2] if self.single_byte: # in case missing trailing items are left out name_string = self.single_byte + "^^^^" parts = name_string.split("^")[:5] self.family_name, self.given_name, self.middle_name = parts[:3] self.name_prefix, self.name_suffix = parts[3:] else: (self.family_name, self.given_name, self.middle_name, self.name_prefix, self.name_suffix) = ('', '', '', '', '')
[docs]class PersonName(PersonNameBase, bytes): """Human-friendly class to hold VR of Person Name (PN) Name is parsed into the following properties: single-byte, ideographic, and phonetic components (PS3.5-2008 6.2.1) family_name, given_name, middle_name, name_prefix, name_suffix """ def __new__(cls, val): """Return instance of the new class""" # Check if trying to convert a string that has already been converted if isinstance(val, PersonName): return val return super(PersonName, cls).__new__(cls, val)
[docs] def encode(self, *args): """Dummy method to mimic py2 str behavior in py3 bytes subclass""" # This greatly simplifies the write process so all objects have the # "encode" method return self
[docs] def family_comma_given(self): """Return name as 'Family-name, Given-name'""" return self.formatted("%(family_name)s, %(given_name)s")
# def __str__(self): # return str(self.byte_string) # XXX need to process the ideographic or phonetic components? # def __len__(self): # return len(self.byte_string)
[docs]class PersonNameUnicode(PersonNameBase, compat.text_type): """Unicode version of Person Name""" def __new__(cls, val, encodings): """Return unicode string after conversion of each part val -- the PN value to store encodings -- a list of python encodings, generally found from pydicom.charset.python_encodings mapping of values in DICOM data element (0008,0005). """ # in here to avoid circular import from pydicom.charset import clean_escseq # Make the possible three character encodings explicit: if not isinstance(encodings, list): encodings = [encodings] * 3 if len(encodings) == 2: encodings.append(encodings[1]) components = val.split(b"=") # Remove the first encoding if only one component is present if (len(components) == 1): del encodings[0] comps = [ clean_escseq(C.decode(enc), encodings) for C, enc in zip(components, encodings) ] new_val = u"=".join(comps) return compat.text_type.__new__(cls, new_val) def __init__(self, val, encodings): self.encodings = self._verify_encodings(encodings) PersonNameBase.__init__(self, val) def __copy__(self): """Correctly copy object. Needed because of the overwritten __new__. """ # no need to use the original encoding here - we just encode and # decode in utf-8 and set the original encoding later name = compat.text_type(self).encode('utf8') new_person = PersonNameUnicode(name, 'utf8') new_person.__dict__.update(self.__dict__) return new_person def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """Make correctly a deep copy of the object. Needed because of the overwritten __new__. """ name = compat.text_type(self).encode('utf8') new_person = PersonNameUnicode(name, 'utf8') memo[id(self)] = new_person for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(new_person, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) return new_person def _verify_encodings(self, encodings): """Checks the encoding to ensure proper format""" if encodings is None: return self.encodings if not isinstance(encodings, list): encodings = [encodings] * 3 if len(encodings) == 2: encodings.append(encodings[1]) return encodings
[docs] def encode(self, encodings): """Encode the unicode using the specified encoding""" encodings = self._verify_encodings(encodings) components = self.split('=') comps = [C.encode(enc) for C, enc in zip(components, encodings)] # Remove empty elements from the end while len(comps) and not comps[-1]: comps.pop() return '='.join(comps)
[docs] def family_comma_given(self): """Return name as 'Family-name, Given-name'""" return self.formatted("%(family_name)u, %(given_name)u")