Source code for pydicom.tag

# Copyright 2008-2017 pydicom authors. See LICENSE file for details.
"""Define Tag class to hold a DICOM (group, element) tag and related functions.

The 4 bytes of the DICOM tag are stored as an arbitrary length 'long' for
Python 2 and as an 'int' for Python 3. Tags are stored as a single number and
separated to (group, element) as required.
# NOTE: Tags must be not be stored as a tuple internally, as some code logic
#       (e.g. in filewriter.write_AT) checks if a value is a multi-value
#       element
import traceback
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pydicom import compat

[docs]@contextmanager def tag_in_exception(tag): """Use `tag` within a context. Used to include the tag details in the traceback message when an exception is raised within the context. Parameters ---------- tag : pydicom.tag.Tag The tag to use in the context. """ try: yield except Exception as ex: stack_trace = traceback.format_exc() msg = 'With tag {0} got exception: {1}\n{2}'.format( tag, str(ex), stack_trace) raise type(ex)(msg)
[docs]def Tag(arg, arg2=None): """Create a Tag. General function for creating a Tag in any of the standard forms: * Tag(0x00100015) * Tag('0x00100015') * Tag((0x10, 0x50)) * Tag(('0x10', '0x50')) * Tag(0x0010, 0x0015) * Tag(0x10, 0x15) * Tag(2341, 0x10) * Tag('0xFE', '0x0010') Parameters ---------- arg : int or str or 2-tuple/list If int or str, then either the group or the combined group/element number of the DICOM tag. If 2-tuple/list then the (group, element) numbers as int or str. arg2 : int or str, optional The element number of the DICOM tag, required when `arg` only contains the group number of the tag. Returns ------- pydicom.tag.BaseTag """ if isinstance(arg, BaseTag): return arg if arg2 is not None: arg = (arg, arg2) # act as if was passed a single tuple if isinstance(arg, (tuple, list)): if len(arg) != 2: raise ValueError("Tag must be an int or a 2-tuple") valid = False if isinstance(arg[0], compat.string_types): valid = isinstance(arg[1], (str, compat.string_types)) if valid: arg = (int(arg[0], 16), int(arg[1], 16)) elif isinstance(arg[0], compat.number_types): valid = isinstance(arg[1], compat.number_types) if not valid: raise ValueError("Both arguments for Tag must be the same type, " "either string or int.") if arg[0] > 0xFFFF or arg[1] > 0xFFFF: raise OverflowError("Groups and elements of tags must each " "be <=2 byte integers") long_value = (arg[0] << 16) | arg[1] # Single str parameter elif isinstance(arg, (str, compat.text_type)): long_value = int(arg, 16) if long_value > 0xFFFFFFFF: raise OverflowError("Tags are limited to 32-bit length; tag {0!r}" .format(long_value)) # Single int parameter else: long_value = arg if long_value > 0xFFFFFFFF: raise OverflowError("Tags are limited to 32-bit length; tag {0!r}" .format(long_value)) if long_value < 0: raise ValueError("Tags must be positive.") return BaseTag(long_value)
if compat.in_py2: # May get an overflow error with int if sys.maxsize < 0xFFFFFFFF BaseTag_base_class = long else: BaseTag_base_class = int
[docs]class BaseTag(BaseTag_base_class): """Represents a DICOM element (group, element) tag. If using python 2.7 then tags are represented as a long, while for python 3 they are represented as an int. Attributes ---------- element : int The element number of the tag. group : int The group number of the tag. is_private : bool Returns True if the corresponding element is private, False otherwise. """ # Override comparisons so can convert "other" to Tag as necessary # See Ordering Comparisons at: # def __le__(self, other): """Return True if `self` is less than or equal to `other`.""" return self == other or self < other def __lt__(self, other): """Return True if `self` is less than `other`.""" # Check if comparing with another Tag object; if not, create a temp one if not isinstance(other, BaseTag): try: other = Tag(other) except Exception: raise TypeError("Cannot compare Tag with non-Tag item") return BaseTag_base_class(self) < BaseTag_base_class(other) def __ge__(self, other): """Return True if `self` is greater than or equal to `other`.""" return self == other or self > other def __gt__(self, other): """Return True if `self` is greater than `other`.""" return not (self == other or self < other) def __eq__(self, other): """Return True if `self` equals `other`.""" # Check if comparing with another Tag object; if not, create a temp one if not isinstance(other, BaseTag_base_class): try: other = Tag(other) except Exception: raise TypeError("Cannot compare Tag with non-Tag item") return BaseTag_base_class(self) == BaseTag_base_class(other) def __ne__(self, other): """Return True if `self` does not equal `other`.""" return not self == other # For python 3, any override of __cmp__ or __eq__ # immutable requires explicit redirect of hash function # to the parent class # See # datamodel.html#object.__hash__ __hash__ = BaseTag_base_class.__hash__ def __str__(self): """Return the tag value as a hex string '(gggg, eeee)'.""" return "({0:04x}, {1:04x})".format(, self.element) __repr__ = __str__ @property def group(self): """Return the tag's group number.""" return self >> 16 @property def element(self): """Return the tag's element number.""" return self & 0xffff elem = element # alternate syntax @property def is_private(self): """Return True if the tag is private (has an odd group number).""" return % 2 == 1 @property def is_private_creator(self): """Return True if the tag is a private creator.""" return self.is_private and 0x0010 <= self.element < 0x0100
[docs]def TupleTag(group_elem): """Fast factory for BaseTag object with known safe (group, elem) tuple""" long_value = group_elem[0] << 16 | group_elem[1] return BaseTag(long_value)
# Define some special tags: # See DICOM Standard Part 5, Section 7.5 # start of Sequence Item ItemTag = TupleTag((0xFFFE, 0xE000)) # end of Sequence Item ItemDelimiterTag = TupleTag((0xFFFE, 0xE00D)) # end of Sequence of undefined length SequenceDelimiterTag = TupleTag((0xFFFE, 0xE0DD))