
The configuration for the application consists of the files in the dicomdb/settings folder. The files that need attention are and

Application Secrets

First make your like this:

cp dicomdb/settings/ dicomdb/settings/
vim dicomdb/settings/

Once you have your, it needs the following added:

Dicom Import

Right now, the only setting to configure is whether you want the dicom files deleted after import from the /data (or other mapped) directory:


It is currently set to False.


If you look in dicomdb/settings/ you will see something called lockdown and that it is turned on:

# Django Lockdown

This basically means that the entire site is locked down, or protected for use (from a web browser) with a password. It’s just a little extra layer of security.


You can set the password by defining it in your dicomdb/settings/

LOCKDOWN_PASSWORDS = ('mysecretpassword',)

Note that we choose a global lockdown over user accounts because this application is primarily intended for local use. If that changes, then the application needs to have user accounts re-enabled (it’s all in place but would need views added, etc) and the server where it is deployed would need to be secured with https. The latter mostly comes down to changing the nginx.conf and docker-compose.yml to those provided in the folder https.

Next, you should read a bit to understand the application.